Death is inevitable. It has to come one or the other day in life. But we fear death. Indeed we are so timid that we are afraid of any small loss and for the fake well-being of our mind we abstain from risks. It is like a prisoner who was captive for many years now getting free running again back to the jail. we are all akin to that prisoner, having our own limited circle of life where we feel secure and never think new, never initiate, never ignite and die in the same morbid circle leaving behind a more beautiful, abound and generous world unseen.
How aptly someone said-" Life is a treasure and you are so much more than you know" but we waste it entangled in the mere quarrels and prejudices and never coming out of our self-made cocoon. I must quote some line I read somewhere-" Most people don't discover how to live until it's time to die - and thats a shame. Most people spend the best years of their lives watching television in a subdivision. Most people die at twenty and are buried at eighty. Please don't let that happen to you."
We must dare to come out of our cocoon and see the world making highier strides daily. Life has no such purpose of earning money and luxury but to evolve one-self as a good human-being. so much knowledge hovers around us, goes in vain because of a single step that is never put forward by us. so much is here to die for - from beautiful and serene mountains to the deep-down mysterious marine life but instead giving importance to them we remain sitted dead waiting for the day of death to remorse for been unacted though known life in itself is a risk.