A week ago we finished with our sessionals and now, time of results which are as usual horrific.Here, I exquse because the guy whom I thought to be under-performer proving myself,...a underdog. Perhaps I am not the least scorer but not so high also. I think why is so that 1 hour sessional and 3 hour semester exam, as normal exam pattern, decides your whole future.I would not indulge in any ongoing debate of changing education pattern but definately will point the negatives of a ruined system of which I am fortunately or unfortunately a part.
For one exam you are admired because you did mug-up the last whole night and you certainly become underdog because you got slept next night.
- (point to be noted) why our whole structure of education is so dependent on one night and that too for mugging?
- (point to be noted)Dr. Kalam in his book Indomitable Spirit said we need autonomous learners and what we see and experience is totally different and even in Institutes of National Importance the same pathetic story is revised. It is so sad to mention here that autonomous institutes like NITs are benchmark for inefficiency.
Though I am in engineering discipline, can't I read philoshophy???? we have segregated the knowledge. I excuse, I am not questioning on getting the expertise knowledge but it should remain abound,...why a research scholar stops learning after his Phd. ???
- (point to be noted)I quote HRD minister here,recently, somewhere he said that we need a marrige between teachers and technology and to that I want to add we need a marrige between teachers and learning too.Does it necessary that a 10 pointer is better engineer when the 6 pointer plays with machines.Knowledge is like Universe, limitless and so we name university.
Submissions, I say, are phenomenal success of professors in threatening the students by marks.
So while we get tomorrow we ask for one more day for submission and exam and then too we remain incomplete, I think this clearly indicates flaws.There is something which need to be brought to make studies interesting,
- (point to be noted)Why watching a cricket match is so interesting while having submissions next day? because we know the match is of a single day and the later will follow us years like ghost.We have so morbid teaching pattern that just tells to spend ink and precious paper and nothing else.Creativity dies.You have a prescribed syllabus like you have been told to learn 5 synonyms and learning more than that will account heavy punishment.
- (point to be noted)One of my professor says-" ये सब जो है राक्षशी विद्या है पर अब क्यूंकि आप लोग फंस चुके हो तो झेलना तो पड़ेगा hi....." then he says-"एक बार मैंने मरने का ख्याल किया पर सिर्फ इस डर से कि अगले जनम में शुरू से पढना पड़ेगा तो वो भी दिमाग से निकाल ना पड़ा ....."
इति शुभम