Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No Possibilities

My Professor Friend Dr. Yogesh Deshpande updated his facebook status - 

India Today (Aug 15 issue) talks about Top 45 Universities in India.
It does not include a single University from Maharashtra.
And the reasons are..............

And my comment on that -

1) University
1.1) Word Origin : Middle English: from Old French universite, from Latin universitas ‘the whole’, in late Latin ‘society, guild’, from universus ‘combined into one, whole’, from uni- ‘one’ + versus ‘turned’ (past participle of vertere).
1.2) Refer to 1.1. A question can be asked on this account, do we really have any such institute in India which in anyway gets near to the above definition of University.
1.3) Huge infrastructure but no facilities. No quality teaching. University today aims to produce a graduate anyhow, no effort to produce good humans, good professionals and not even quality graduates for that matter.
1.4) Pathetic situation of curricula. Staff is highly inefficient. Extreme bureaucracy and politics. Students are considered as customers but contradictory to that staff considers itself just the facilitator, no one even bothers about anything.
1.5) It is an unfortunate situation where media has over shadowed all aspects of living. Facebook and Text messaging have made students geeks.
1.6) Professors and Teachers are clerks. They know only as much they are supposed to deliver from podium. They simply know that 'chalk' is lime and black board is made up of 'coal'. They made their life like these minerals and they never even try for enrichment. Unfortunately, teaching has become a job of dictatorship.

2) Professor
2.1) Word Origin : late Middle English: from Latin professor, from profess- ‘declared publicly’, from the verb profiteri, from pro- ‘before’ + fateri ‘confess’.
2.2) Refer to 2.1. I could not understand it and so I think how the man who is called professor can be understood by anyone ?
2.3) Highly arrogant and ill-mannered creature on this earth. They forget to learn when they teach. They never remain revolutionary. Their thoughts are morbid. Their activities are all homely and monotonous.
2.4) No professor ever I have seen doing any good research. This is prevalent throughout the India.
2.5) There is no point in talking to a professor or talking about a professor because they are so adamant and unreasonable. They think students are just stupids but these stupid creatures should understand that students have the whole canvass of life vacant but they try to fill it with their waste 'FUNDAS'.
2.6) A man who born 30-40 years earlier and who could manage to get a university degree and that too anyhow, somehow and anyway, has become my teacher getting some proficiency in saying some good English words and using red pen. I persnally regret this situation

3) Student
3.1) Word Origin : late Middle English: from Latin student- ‘applying oneself to’, from the verb studere, related to studium ‘painstaking application’.
3.2) Refer to point 3.1. Absolutely correct.
3.3) No issues if students are said wrong and proved very bad on all fronts because there can be no other reason for them being a 'student'.
3.4) They come to any university to learn and not to prove themselves and give test every other day and for every other subject.
3.5) This is the age when we become man or woman and we learn responsibility but the way our universities go, we are compelled to become 'jugadoo' and selfish.
3.6) Simple funda of life is to live it and then learn from whatever may come but university teaches us to run. I agree that students are 'KAMINE' but doesn't anyone feel that it is their age ?????
3.7) A professor and university for that matter should understand that students decide their fate because there have been many whom they respect, who never ever went to any university and did never attend any class.


Medha said...

If that's the case, wouldn't this apply to ALL Universities, Professors & Students? Why only Maharashtra?

Anonymous said...

it is highly biased
it takes into account your views and only your views(stuents ie)

Pooja said...

I do not agree to most of the issues brought up here.. I agree it is a bit biased. We still have "professors" left in our country. They do think about the welfare of students. And saying this is the age in which students are "kaminey", unjust..

Daedalus said...

It would be wrong to blame professors for the current state of universities. Most of them are industry rejects and take up the job to earn a living. It's easy to cuss at profs, but remember that 99.9% of us won't take up that job ourselves...