Saturday, March 13, 2010

IAS:Indian Atrocious Services

Nehru said,
Though very highly reputed section is IAS but the deeds of it are not so worth.Last month the barehanded caught IAS couple(Mr. and Mrs. Joshi) of Madhya Pradesh in offence of corruption bares our bureaucracy.This is not one case that came in light instead we have many and many which are still in dark.I won't go on statistics because which number does India get for corruption and what amount does Indian Economy holds black is of no concern, what matter are human values!!!!!What has happened to our minds?So much greed....,don't talk about the next generation, the dwellers of the great ascetic and religious nation India have fix deposits for the 10th generation too.
We talk about transparency and inclusion, let us first examine that do these words can be spelled by the culprits or not.And this should also be decided that who is the culprit.....we, officers, leaders, alas!! system it is....the hell unaccountability and what is the reason secrecy,.. concealment....,even the other authority doesn't know where the respective person is indulged in.We have RTI but out of 125 crore how many know to use it,how many use it and how many do not have to face what one activist from pune faced??????May the situation is not very desolating as some optimist might say but I would like to put one question mark that even a single bad fish can ruin the pond to that we already have whole pond ruined then what remains to see light for.Once I talked to one retired IAS officer he said "no collector can be sure about the orders that come from top",this lets to leave the later grades,when the highest authority of district is vague,all chapters solely get closed.One thing more,why only IAS? We have other options too but why the 'label'is heavy over efficiency and competency.
What is the fact of matter is solution!!!!whether we are in position to find any solution for this or just as an another story this been written for entertainment.On this, the proposed solutions need to be analysed and the new points should come from the counter side i.e ours'(public,inclusion in reall sense) incomplete story


Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts bhai.....

Manish Kumar said...

भ्रष्टाचार राजनेताओं और नौकरशाही दोनों में व्याप्त है। अगर ऊपर वाले ईमानदार होंगे तो उनके नीचे वालों को थोड़ा भय रहता है। अब राजनेता लूट में व्यस्त रहते हैं तो नौकरशाह तो उनसे भी चालाक हैं। ईमानदार लोग अभी भी हैं IAS में भी और बाकी सेवाओं में भी पर ऐसे लोगों की पूछ कम है। समाज में बढ़ती धन लोलुपता के चलते नैतिक मूल्यों में कमी हो रही है। जल्दी से जल्दी अमीर बनने की चाह की वज़ह से बिना भ्रष्टाचार का मार्ग चुनते वक़्त लोगों को किसी तरह के संकोच या शर्मिंदगी का अहसास नहीं होता।

इस समस्या का भान UPSC को है इसलिए अगले साल से प्रीलिम्स की परीक्षा की जगह परीक्षार्थी के नैतिक मूल्यों का आकलन और सर्विस ज्वाइन करने की वज़हें भी पूछी जाएँगी।

Priyank Jain said...

recently I too have given interview for IAS,though it was an activity but was hard to deal with.
Reforms should be welcomed but how much the recruitment boards are innocent,I suspect......
though there are some bureaucrates who definately are trialblazers but it still alot pathetic

Unknown said...

gud work ...!!!
i agree with manish kumar...